Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility
Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility.
Over the last three decades, the world has witnessed an unusual shift of assets and power from governments to the private sector. The change was even more profound in the countries of the former Soviet Union with the transfer of a considerable portion of public goods into the ownership and management of private corporations. In this context, promoting public-private partnerships, a culture and liability mechanisms for sustainable corporate social responsibility (CSR) are vital for enhancing individual freedoms, security, and good governance. Georgia, as well as other countries in transition, attains a unique opportunity for integrating CSR principles into the emerging market and assuring that corporations, through their regular business, do serve the public interests.
Today, many citizens feel they have been left behind by the globalized economy and are uncertain about their economic future and of their children. Across all the countries experiencing a rise in populism, voter frustration with governments’ inability to deliver is high.
Our company has been conducting several initiatives and activities of social nature. Also, with the more close approximation to the EU and NATO, as well as a deepened strategic partnership with the US, we feel the necessity of our commitment and contribution towards a more structured and institutionalized role for the greater public good. Therefore, we are committed to dedicating significant resources for supporting the engagement of the world’s leading think tanks and academic institutions in the development of policy-oriented sustainable development
to promote the principles of freedom, democracy, free enterprise, and efficient government for the improvement of institutions and lives of the people in Georgia and the whole Caucasus region.

Mosashvili str 24, Tbilisi, Georgia
577 61 11 24